Did you know that we think an average of 60,000 thoughts a day and are aware of less than 1% of them? If you’re looking to let go of all that is swirling around in there, this book is for you.

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Let That Sh*t Go has over 100 tips on how to find more peace and happiness in your everyday. It’s a no-filter approach to mindfulness. We keep it real and get vulnerable. We hope you walk away with a practical tool kit on how to let sh*t go and find your bliss on the daily! The chapters are as follows:
Awareness: Goodbye Past & Future Worries
Self-love: What You Didn’t Learn in Middle School but Probably Should Have
Acceptance: You Can’t Control the Number of Instagram Likes You Get
Perspective: You Are Made of Fucking Stardust
Authenticity: There’s Only One Magical You
Forgiveness: It’s Time to Use the F-word
Behind the Screen: Finding Your Tech Zen
The Reveal: What the Fuck Did You Just Do? (Mindfulness)
Next Level: The Mind Workout (Meditation)
The book is available on Amazon around the world. You may find some of these links helpful.👇🏽