Take the Let That Sh*t Go Masterclass
25% of revenue from this course will be donated to the Season Centre for Grieving Children where I am an Executive Grief Ambassador
When I lost my Dad and brother at 16, I felt completely lost. Despite the support around me, I lived in a bubble of emotional isolation. The Seasons Centre saved me - I suddenly felt heard, I felt alive, it was as if I wasn’t the only one suffering in silence. That was over 20 years ago and it’s now my honour to give back. 100% of revenues from my masterclass will be donated to help provide peer to peer support groups for grieving children and families.
What’s the Masterclass about?👇🏽
Our comprehensive 12-week masterclass helps you to let sh*t go in a pragmatic way. It includes:
24 Videos
12 Self-assessment sheets
14 Meditations

Course Details

Week 1 - What the ‘eff is mindfulness anyway?
A practical guide on how to be mindful and in the present moment.
What mindfulness isn’t, we’ll give you a hint: feeling like you have to be present 24/7
Meditation: Learning the technique of how to take deep breaths.
Week 2 – Meditation, a.k.a. The Mind Workout
Learn how to sit, when to sit, where to sit - don’t worry, there are no rules, just guidelines.
Common meditation myths - there’s a lot of bullshit out there around what meditation should be. It’s a personal practice so learn to do it in a way that speaks to you.
Meditation: Body Relaxation
Week 3 – Reign in that Chatty Mind
We think an average of 60,000 thoughts a day, no wonder we are mentally exhausted.
Learn how to stop allowing these thoughts to constantly take over.
Meditation: Observing Your Thoughts
Week 4 – The Pursuit of Happiness
Happiness isn’t where you think it might be - in your relationships, that trip, the condo you just purchased or even in the future, ‘when x happens, I’ll be happy’.
Find out where you can discover pure bliss and permanent happiness.
Meditation: Happiness Within
Week 5 - Stop Being an Asshole to Yourself
The criticality of self-love.
How to better understand the mental records we play.
What to do with the ‘negative’ or dark thoughts that come up?
Why relaxing productive…yes, we are saying a Netflix binge is productive.
Meditation: Connect to the Little You
Week 6 – You Give, You Get
The power of compassion.
Find out why giving to others, even in our own minds can create joy for ourselves.
Meditation: Give Love
Week 7 - You can’t control That Shit
Dealing with depressive and anxious thoughts.
Learning how to give no fu*ks about what you can’t control.
Meditation: Letting Go
Week 8 – The Perspective Shift
Learn how to look a life through a macro lens verses micro lens.
Why you don’t need to change anything about your life or routine to shift perspective.
Meditation: Zoom Out
Week 9 - It’s Time to do Rockstar You
Learn why it’s ok to swim upstream if it means being true to you.
Let go of the unwelcome ‘shoulds’ in your life.
Meditation: Who Am I?
Week 10 - Time to Use the F Word
How forgiveness can lead to ultimate freedom.
Learning that forgiveness is not about the other person, but about you.
Meditation: Breathe in the Good, Breathe out the Bad.
Week 11 - Finding your Tech Zen
Avoid tech hangovers and the unwanted icky feelings social media can invoke.
Learn how to set healthy boundaries.
Meditation: Ground Yourself
Week 12 – Even More Peace
Take this opportunity to advance your meditation practice.
Meditations: Learn about intention setting & manifestation, service meditation and chakra healing.